
University of Sao Paulo
Spring 2017
Course Credits
Numerical Calculus and Analysis 4
Computer Networks 4
Computer Organization 4
Stochastic Processes 4
Information Systems 3
Information 3
Supervised Exchange Program 8
Fall 2016
Course Credits
Theory of Computation and Formal Languages 4
Introduction to Bioinformatics 3
Calculus IV 4
Linear Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equations 4
Fall 2015
Course Credits
General Physics Laboratory 2
Introduction to Web Development 4
Computer Graphics 4
Software Engineering 4
Fall 2014
Course Credits
Scientific Methodology for Computer Science 2
Advanced Algorithms and Applications 2
Artificial Intelligence 4
Discrete Mathematics 4
Statistics 4
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 4
Evolutionary Systems Applyied to Robotics 3
Spring 2014
Course Credits
General Physics I 4
Object Oriented Programming 4
File Organization 3
Computational Modelling in Graphs 3
Image Processing 3
Practice in Computer Organization 2
Fall 2013
Course Credits
Introduction to Computer Science II 4
Algorithms and Data Structures I 4
Calculus II 6
Digital Systems 4
Spring 2012
Course Credits
Professional Information on Computer Science 1
Analytic Geometry 4
Calculus I 6
Introduction to Computer Science I 4
Introduction to Computer Science: Laboratory I 2
Introduction to Digital Logic 4
Electronics for Computer Sciences 2