
Professional Experience

Computer Science Student Representative

University of Sao Paulo
settingsRepresented over 500 students on the major's committee that is responsible for managing academic activities and taking precedence over the interest of the computer science major.
settingsMotivated students to run for leadership positions within the Computer Science and Mathematics Institute

Tutor and Teacher Assistant

Volunteering at University of Sao Paulo
settingsTutored 40 individuals on an Introduction Computer Science Course, in JavaScript, for the community
settingsCo-created course materials such as lectures and homework

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Computation Intern
settingsUpdated, designed, and organized the website for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison Program
settingsImproved the user experience by using, and testing it on the major devices such as iPads, smartphones, and Desktops
settingsDesigned a script to interact with the GitHub API to automate the updates and backups on its platform

Image Processing Research Assistant

Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, University of Sao Paulo
settingsReceived funding to develop and study the performance of image processing on a Raspberry Pie applied to robotics
settingsCreated a program using OpenCV to process and segment images to find a drivable path on a rural terrain
settingsSet up a SSH connection to access and run the image processing algorithm on the Raspberry Pi remotely


settingsSurveyed prices of the products and set profit goals, organized and managed the finance of the business and negotiated prices with clients
settingsInvested in real estate bonds through a Brazilian banks

Coursework/ Projects

Voting Application

Charades Game Android App

Personal Project

Android Development

College Project

Evolutionary Systems Applied to Robotics

College Project
settingsImplemented a simulator in C to compute the robots performance on their mission, and analyzed the result by plotting the Guassian Disstribution of the robots performance
settingsSelected the best 5% of the robots population using crossover and mutation techniques on the robots characteristics

Bionformatics Data Processing and Analysis

College Project
settingsStudied how the stochastic model such as Hidden Markov Chains are used to find genes among different species
settingsAnalyzed the genetic similarities amaong species by using different computation methods such as sequence aligments, inversion, and calculation of the amino acids frequency

Recognizing Objects on Pictures

College Project
settingsImplemented a program that uses a Speed Up Robust Feature Descriptor(SURF) on the image to find the most relevant points to be a descriptor candidate
settingsRan a fast Hessian filter to eliminate the points with high frequency, and finally used a KNN Descriptor Match from OpenCV

Web Development

College Project
settingsDeveloped a Hotel booking website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the Model View Control pattern
settingsImplemented a Data Access Object to intermediate the connection between the website and database allowing better maintainability

Power Supply

College Project
settings Designed the Printed Circuit Board(PCB) for the a 9V/1A charger using EAGLE software, and welded all the components to the board
settings Tutored other students how to develop the project

Software Engineering Design

College Project
settings Collaborated as a team to write the software requirements specification with IEEE Standarts 830-1998 for a Gaming Web Platform
settings Projected the WBS, PERT and Grantts Chart for the project

Assembly Game Development

College Project
settings Designed the logic of Tetris arcade game and implemented it in Assembly

Implemented an ALU and the CPU

College Project
settings Designed the Arithmetic Logic Unit using Quartus II software from Altera
settingsImplemented the CPU tasks using VHDL and simulated it on a FPGA

Programming Languages

settings C/C++
settings Java
settings Python
settings VHDL
settings Assembly
settings JavaScript
settings HTML
settings CSS
settings MySQL
settings jQuery

Language Proficiency

settings Portuguese (Fluent) settings Polish (Fluent) settings English (Fluent) settings French (Intermediate) settings Russian (Beginner)

Skills and Courses

settingsParallel Programming(openMPI)
settingsMachine Learning
settingsAndroid Development
settingsImage Processing (openCV)
settingsBusiness Communication
settingsStochastic Processes
settingsComputer Security
settingsDatabase Design
settingsAdvanced Algorithms
settingsNegotiation Techniques for Conflicting Resolution
settingsEvolutionary Systems Applied to Robotics
settingsManagerial Team Building Skills
settingsNumeric Methods


Awarded Full Scholarship

settingsCSU, Chico in 2015 (attended) and at Loyola University, Chicago in 2014 (not attended)


settingsThe Legend of CDAT, World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science


settingsSecond Place at a High Performance Computing Challenge, HPC Conference at USP, Brazil
settingsDean's List California State University, Chico